Shoestring Sand. A shoestring composed of sand and usually buried in mud or shale usually a sandbar or channel fill.
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The term shoestring sands was introduced into the geologic literature by Rich (1923) to refer to oilbearing sand bodies encapsulated by comparatively impermeable clays and shales and considerably longer than they are wide thus producing a type of stratigraphic trap (see Levorsen 1967 for a comprehensive review).
Holocene Shoestring Sand on Inner Continental Shelf off
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Red Fork Shoestring Sand Pool, Pawnee, Creek, and Tulsa
An irregular sinuous *sandbody resembling a shoelace in shape which often represents the preserved sandy deposit of a meandering.
Origin and Distribution of Bartlesville and Burbank
River sands today form shoestringshaped bodies tens of metres thick a few hundred metres wide up to 60 kilometres or more long and usually oriented perpendicularly to the shoreline In meandering back and forth a river may construct a wide swath of sand deposits mostly accumulating on meanderpoint bars Read More.
Fixing America S Bridges On A Shoestring Budget
sand by The Shoestring sand Article about shoestring
Oxford Reference Shoestring sand
Shoestring sands SpringerLink
Shoestring sand Oxford Reference
KGSShoestring Sands, Greenwood and Butler Counties shoestring sand
Red Fork Shoestring Sand Pool, Pawnee, Creek, and Tulsa
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AAPG Datapages/Archives: Red Fork Shoestring Sand Pool
KGSShoestring Sands, Greenwood and Butler Counties
Shoestring sand Definition & Meaning MerriamWebster
shoestring sand geological deposit Britannica
CENTRAL AND EASTERN STATES: Shoestring Sand Gas Fields of
shoestring sand
KGSOrigin of the Shoestring Sands of Greenwood and
KGSShoestring Sands, Greenwood and Butler Counties
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shoestring sand
shoestring sand An irregular sinuous sandbody resembling a shoelace in shape which often represents the preserved sandy deposit of a meandering river channel (see meander) Source for information on shoestring sand A Dictionary of Ecology dictionary shoestring sand | Encyclopediacom Skip to main content EXPLORE EXPLORE Earth and Environment.