Ovo Vegetarian. An ovovegetarian diet allows all animalbased foods besides eggs Meat poultry fish or dairy products like milk yogurt and cheese are not allowed but whole eggs egg whites and eggcontaining foods such as mayonnaise egg.

A lactoovovegetarian diet is a primarily plantbased diet that excludes meat fish and poultry but includes dairy and eggs In the name “lacto” refers to.
Lactoovo vegetarian Definition & Meaning MerriamWebster
Some vegetarians also choose not to eat any food that comes from animals (like dairy products or eggs) Here are the different types of vegetarian diet Vegan eats only nonanimal foods Lactovegetarian eats nonanimal foods plus dairy (no eggs) Ovovegetarian eats nonanimal foods plus eggs (no dairy).
Types of Vegetarian Diets Levels of Vegetarianism
Vegetarian diets are categorized as lacto vegetarianism ovolacto vegetarianism and veganism in general The reasons for being vegetarian include influence from friends and family members concern about global warming health issues and weight management religion and mercy for animals in descending order of significance.
OVOVEGETARIAN meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary
Many potential benefits An ovovegetarian diet may benefit your health in various waysPossible drawbacks For most people an ovovegetarian diet is very safe and healthyFoods to eat Though certain foods are restricted on an ovovegetarian diet you have plenty.
Lacto Ovo Vegetarian Diet
Vegetarianism by country Wikipedia
vegetarian? TreeHozz.com What is ovo
Vegetarian Diets: Vegan, LactoVegetarian, OvoVegetarian
meal plan, and Lactoovovegetarian: Definition, benefits,
Vegetarian diets for children and teens Caring for kids
OvoVegetarian Diet: A Complete Guide and Meal Plan
OvoVegetarian Diet: Tips and a Sample Meal Plan Core …
What is an Ovo Vegetarian? Greener Ideal
14 Day Vegetarian (LactoOvo) Meal Plan
The OvoVegetarian Diet and How It Is Different
LactoOvoVegetarian Diet: Benefits, Downsides, and Meal Plan
Ovo vegetarianism Wikipedia
If you are an ovovegetarian you do not eat any animal products except eggs so your diet will not include meat poultry fish or shellfish Your ovovegetarian diet does not include dairy products such as yogurt milk butter and ice cream since these are derived from animals.