Moscow Islam. The Origins of The Moscow Muslim CommunityThe First MosquesAsadullaev’S HouseThe Cathedral MosqueThe Memorial MosqueThe Danilov Muslim CemeteryCelebrationsThe history of Muslim people in Moscow goes back to the times of the Golden Hordea Mongol and later Turkicized khanate established in the 13th century and originating as the northwestern sector of the Mongol Empire which recognized Islam as the official state religion in 1312 The Moscow principality knew many years of Mongol occupation and this certainly did not fail to encourage the integration of Islamic culture into Russian life In the 15th and 16th centuries Tatars and other Eastern peoples settled mostly in the Tatar Quarter (B Tatarskaya StreetRussian Bolshaya Tatarskaya ulitsa or Большая Татарская улица) in the Zamoskvorechye District The neighbouring Ordynskaya QuarterRussian Ordynskaya sloboda or Ордынская слобода (Ordynsky Blind AlleyRussian Ordynskiy tupik or Ордынский тупик Ordynka StreetRussian ulitsa Ordynka or улица Ордынка) was also home to many Muslim people Many other names in the historic centre of Moscow have Tatar origins such as Tolmachyovsky Lane Empress Catherine the GreatEmpress of Russia from 1762 until 1796 the country&#39s longestruling female leader and its most renowned issued a decree which allowed the freedom to follow any and all religions in 1773 As a result Islam was recognized as the religion of the Tatars and Bashkirsa Turkic people indigenous to Bashkortostan extending on both sides of the Ural Mountains and all restrictions on mosque construction were lifted Moscow’s first mosque located in the Tatar Quarter is believed to have been built in 1782 near the house of Simeney who worked as a translator at Prince Sultan Murza’s Foreign BoardRussian Inostrannaya kollegiya knyazya Sultanmurzy or Иностранная коллегия князя Султанмурзы The mosque burnt down in the fire of 1812during the war between the Russian Empire and Napoleonic France on the territory of Russia in 1812 The wellpreserved Old Mosque (28 Bolshaya Tatarskaya Street) was built in response to insistent requests by the Spiritual Directorate Muslim entrepreneurs of high standing settled in Moscow in the early 20th century one of them being oilman Shamsi Asadullaev from Baku Azerbaijan In 1913 he donated his mansion in Zamoskvorechye (8 Tatarsky LaneRussian Tatarskiy pereulok or Татарский переулок) to Moscow’s Muslim community This building was the spiritual centre of Muslim people in Moscow until it was shut down in the 1930s In the 1990s the building was returned to its original custodians and it now houses the Tatar Cultural Centre The Cathedral Mosque located on Mira Avenue (7 Vypolzov LaneRussian Vypolzov pereulok or Выползов переулок) is the main mosque of Moscow The original structure funded by Tatar merchant Salikh Yerzin was built on this site in 1904 according to the design of Nikolay Zhukov S Bakirov and Kh Akbulatov purchased the plot of land for construction The first religious services took place in the Cathedral Mosque in 1904 It is the only mosque in Moscow and the European part of Russia which was not shut down during the Soviet period B Alimov A Fattakhetdinov R Gaynutdin and I Alyautdinov are some of the leaders of the Moscow Cathedral Mosque In 1994 a Mejlis took place in Moscow attended by Muslim representatives from Central Russia who decided to create the Islamic Centre of Moscow and the Moscow OblastRussian islamskiy tsentr Moskvy i Moskovskoy oblasti or исламский центр Москвы и Московской области on the premises of the Cathedral Mosque It comprises the Ismailiya mad The Memorial Mosque on Poklonnaya GoraRussian Memorialnaya mechet na Poklonnoy gore or Мемориальная мечеть на Поклонной горе (2B Minskaya StreetRussian Minskaya ulitsa or Минская улица from 1995 to 1997) is part of the vast Victory ParkRussian park Pobedy or парк Победы complex dedicated to the Russian victory over the Nazis during World War II Along with the Memorial Mosque the complex comprises the Museum of the Great Patriotic WarRussian muzey Velikoy Otechestvennoy voyny or музей Великой Отечественной войны the Holocaust Memorial SynagogueRussian Memorialnaya sinagoga or Мемориальная синагога the Orthodox St George ChurchRussian pravoslavnyi khram sv Georgiya or православный храм св Георгияand numerous sculptures The construction of this mosque funded by Moscow patron of arts Faiz Gilmanov is a tribute to the Muslim people who participated in the war The mosque built according to the design of architect Ilyas Tazhiyev in a mixed Tatar and Caucasian style fea The Danilov Muslim CemeteryRussian Danilovskoe musulmanskoe kladbische or Даниловское мусульманское кладбище which is the main Muslim cemetery in Moscow is located at 10 2nd Roshchinsky LaneRussian 2oy Roschinskiy proezd or 2ой Рощинский проезд Like the nearby Christian cemetery it was founded in the late 17thcentury Until 1956 it is only here that the Muslim people of Moscow were allowed to be buried in accordance with Islamic rites Later special plots started to be allotted in other cemeteries too Many Muslims who left important traces in the history of Russia and Moscow were buried here including Kh Ageyev Imam of the mosque on Bolshaya Tatarskaya Street patron of arts S Yerzin merchants Vergazov Shirinsky and Devishev the Olympic champion Sh Safin dancer M Esambaev and writer M Maksud Muslim celebrations held in presentday Moscow are steadily growing in scale the most important of these being Eid alAdha In 2016 over 90000 Muslim worshippers gathered around the Cathedral Mosque to celebrate this religious holiday On that day traffic was rerouted so that worshippers had enough space to pray and move safely Moscow authorities had arranged ten more venues for worshippers to conduct salah Eid alFitr is another religious holiday widely celebrated in Moscow It marks the end of Ramadan the Islamic month of fasting This holiday is officially declared a public holiday in some of Russia’s republics 44/5 (9).

Putin Opens New Mosque In Moscow Amid Lingering Intolerance The New York Times moscow islam
Putin Opens New Mosque In Moscow Amid Lingering Intolerance The New York Times from

Islam in Moscow According to the 2010 Russian census Moscow has less than 300000 permanent residents of Muslim background while some estimates suggest that Moscow has around 1 million Muslim residents and up to 15 million more Muslim migrant workers The city has permitted the existence of four mosques.

Islam in Russia Wikipedia

Other religions practiced in Moscow include Buddhism Hinduism Islam Judaism Yazidism and Rodnovery The Moscow Mufti Council claimed that Muslims numbered around 15 million of 105 million of the city&#39s population in 2010 [90] There are four mosques in the city Area 25615 km² (9890 sq mi)Economic region Country RussiaFederal district.

Muslims in Moscow, 2019 Main Religious Landmarks

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Putin Opens New Mosque In Moscow Amid Lingering Intolerance The New York Times

A Muslimfriendly guide to Moscow, Russia Halal Travel Guide

Moscow Wikipedia

Moscow the capital of Russia and home to an estimated 12 million people may not be the obvious Muslimfriendly destination However the Muslim community in Russia grows year by year – various estimates place the current Muslim population in Russia at between 14 million and 20 million people With this growth in the local Muslim population the Russian capital is becoming increasingly Muslimfriendly.