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Blogging and vlogging is growing fast in the Middle East with a generation of travel fashion and beauty bloggers launching YouTube channels and establishing themselves as Instagram influencers with serious clout But it’s not just Arabic vloggers who need a logo if you’re launching a Lebanese restaurant or a Turkish cafe a stunning Arabic logo is essential.
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Top 10 Arabic Company Names This is a list of the top 10 Arabic Company Names for 2021 1 Dunes Dietician 2 Home of Hummu 3 Dunes Dietician 4 Arabian Vegan 5 Golden Shawarma 6 Tabouleh Garden 7 Home of Hummu 8 Desert Fashion 9.
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First part of compound Arabic names beginning with عبد ال (‘Abd al) meaning “servant of the” (such as عبد العزيز (‘Abd al’Aziz) meaning “servant of the powerful”) AbdulAziz عبد العزيز m Arabic Alternate transcription of Arabic عبد العزيز (see Abd alAziz ) AbdulHamid عبد الحميد m Arabic.
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