Al Isra 79. Ayah alIsra` (Children of Israel The Israelites) 1779 Popular and/or Featured Works Muhammad Asad And rise from thy sleep and pray during part of the night [as well] as a free offering from thee and thy Sustainer may well raise thee to a glorious station [in the life to come] The Clear Quran Dr Mustafa Khattab.
Darussalamstore Com On Twitter Quran Lesson Surah Al Isra 17 Verse 79 Part 15 The Way Of The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Https T Co Jvexuhxgh9 Quran Dailyquran Https T Co 8bd8tedse1 from Twitter
The instruction here is to the Prophet to rise after having had some sleep in the early part of the night The Qur’ān is recited in night worship because it is the hard core of prayer and its most important part “Your Lord may thus raise you to an honourable station” (Verse 79) This is achieved through a constant link with God manifested by prayer and recitation of the Qur’ān in.
Surat AlIsra ayat 79 Ada yang menafsirkan dengan “Sebagai kewajiban tambahan bagimu tidak umatmu” atau “Sebagai keutamaan di atas shalat fardhu” Ada pula yang menafsirkan agar shalat malam itu menambah kedudukanmu meninggikan derajatmu berbeda dengan selainmu maka shalat itu sebagai penebus kesalahannya.
Surah AlIsra' Verse 79 17:79 الإسراء Quran O
AlIsra Ayahs of 78 and 79 on top of Nimavard madrasa ‘s entrance tilling Isfahan Iran This surah takes its name from the first verse which in Islamic tradition tells the event of the Isra the transportation of Muhammad during the night from the Great Mosque of Mecca to what is referred to as “the farthest Mosque”.
Ayah alIsra` (Children of Israel, The Israelites) 17:79
AlIsra’ 79) Dan pada sebagian malam yaitu pada sepertiga malam yang terakhir bangunlah dan lakukanlah salat tahajud sebagai suatu ibadah tambahan bagimu wahai Nabi Muhammad mudahmudahan Tuhanmu mengangkatmu ke tempat yang terpuji di mana engkau memberikan syafaat agung kelak di hari kiamat Ayat ini memerintahkan Rasulullah dan kaum.
Darussalamstore Com On Twitter Quran Lesson Surah Al Isra 17 Verse 79 Part 15 The Way Of The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Https T Co Jvexuhxgh9 Quran Dailyquran Https T Co 8bd8tedse1
Surat AlIsra Ayat 79 Arab, Latin, Terjemahan Arti Bahasa
AlIsra Wikipedia
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Tafsir Surah Al Isra’ Ayat 79 Tafsir Al Quran
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1111 Surah AlIsra
Quran surah Al Isra 79 (QS 17: 79) in arabic and english
Surat Al Isra’ Arab, Latin & Terjemah Bahasa Indonesia
AlIsra79, Surah 17The Journey by Night (AlIsra) Verse# 79