Active Session History. Demos Syntax and Example Code of Oracle Active Session History aka ASH.
Oracle Performance And Backup Blog Oem Performance Tab And Active Session History Data from Oracle Performance and Backup Blog – Blogger
V$Active_session_history | Active Session History in Oracle V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY is one of the most important Oracle views that displays sampled session activity in the database It contains snapshots of active database sessions taken once a second A database session is considered active Continue reading IT Tutorial 0.
ORACLEBASE Active Session History (ASH)
41 rowsV$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY displays sampled session activity in the database It contains snapshots of active database sessions taken once a second A database session is considered active if it was on the CPU or was waiting for an event that didn’t belong to the Idle wait class Refer to the V$EVENT_NAME view for more information on wait classes This viewCOLUMNDATATYPEDESCRIPTIONSAMPLE_IDNUMBERID of the sampleSAMPLE_TIMETIMESTAMP (3)Time at which the sample was takenSESSION_IDNUMBERSession identifier maps to V$SESSIONSESSION_SERIAL#NUMBERSession serial number (used to uniquely.
dba_hist_active_sess_history retention of data — oracle
Active Session History is a very powerful facility inside Oracle Database that records the information on all active sessions in the database instance in a buffer every second and exposes that data to you in a view called V$ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY and subsequently to a persistent table visible in the DBA_HIST_ACTIVE_SESS_HISTORY view.
Oracle ASH: Active Session History
edba Active Session History edba Prompt Top Waiting Session (within last 5 min) Prompt ======================================== Select session_id count (*) from v$active_session_history where session_state=‘WAITING’ and SAMPLE_TIME > SYSDATE (5/ (24*60)) group by session_id order by count (*) desc Prompt Top CPU Session (within last 5 min).
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So with Active Session History (often abbreviated to ASH) Oracle samples the database every second and stores details of every session that is considered “active” meaning that it is waiting on a nonidle wait event or is executing on a CPU.